
Engineering departments in academic institutions are fundamental hubs for innovation, problem-solving, and technical education. Laboratory facilities within these departments are essential to providing students and researchers with the tools, technologies, and real-world experience necessary for understanding complex engineering principles. Through hands-on learning and experimentation, students develop skills that prepare them for successful careers in engineering, while research activities in these labs often contribute to groundbreaking advancements in the field. This article delves into the importance of laboratory facilities in engineering departments, highlighting the different types of laboratories, the critical role they play, and the impact they have on education and research.
Mechanical Engineering Laboratories
The Mechanical Engineering laboratories at K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering provide a comprehensive, hands-on learning environment across multiple disciplines. Key highlights include:

CAD/CAM Laboratory
- Houses modern computer systems and design software (ANSYS, PRO-E, SolidWorks, Edge CAM) alongside CNC milling and turning machines.
- Facilitates computer-aided design and manufacturing studies.

Mechatronics Laboratory
- Equipped with trainers and kits for pneumatics, PLC-controlled systems, servo and PID controllers, and microcontroller-based setups.
- Focuses on automation, control systems, and integration of mechanical and electronic technologies.

Thermal Engineering Laboratory
- Features equipment such as a steam turbine test rig with a thermax boiler, various engine test rigs (single-cylinder, multi-cylinder, diesel), and water-cooled engines.
- Used for experiments on thermal processes and energy conversion.

Dynamics Laboratory
- Provides apparatus for studying motion and forces including turntables, gyroscopic devices, governor setups, balancing machines, and vibration testing equipment.
- Supports experiments in dynamic behavior and system stability.

Metrology and Measurements Laboratory
- Contains precision instruments like vernier calipers, height gauges, slip gauges, sine bars, autocollimators, and profile projectors.
- Enables accurate dimensional measurements and quality control practices.

Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
- Features a range of machining tools such as lathes, milling machines, grinding machines, gear hobbing machines, and related dynamometers.
- Used for studying production processes and manufacturing techniques.

Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory
- Equipped with flow measurement devices (orifice meters, venturimeters), various pumps, turbines (Pelton, Kaplan, Francis), and other hydraulic apparatus.
- Focuses on fluid flow analysis and the performance of hydraulic machinery.

Project Laboratories
- Dedicated spaces where pre-final and final-year students conduct mini and major projects.
- Equipped with advanced tools and supported by domain-specific faculty, these labs foster innovation and practical application of engineering principles.

Strength of Materials Laboratory
- Offers testing equipment including microscopes, deflection and torsion testers, hardness testers (Brinell, Rockwell), impact testing machines, and universal testing machines.
- Provides practical insights into material properties and structural analysis.

Engineering Practices Laboratory (Mechanical)
- Contains tools such as inverter-based welding machines, rotary and demolition hammers, drilling machines, jigsaws, and lathes for hands-on fabrication and repair work.
Together, these laboratories support a wide range of academic and research activities, ensuring that students gain practical experience in thermal systems, design and manufacturing, mechatronics, dynamics, measurement, fluid mechanics, material strength, and engineering practices.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratories
Electrical engineering laboratories are used to experiment with circuits, devices, and systems that manipulate electrical energy. These labs offer students and researchers the tools to explore topics such as circuit theory, electromagnetism, signal processing, and telecommunications.
The Electrical and Electronics Engineering laboratory facilities at K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering include:
Accreditations & Infrastructure
- The department is accredited by NBA and NAAC (with ‘A’ Grade) and meets ISO 9001:2015 standards.
- The labs are designed to provide hands-on training, project work, and simulation-based learning.
Laboratory Overviews
Electrical Machines Laboratory
- Focuses on AC & DC machines, rotating machines, and loading methodologies.
- Major equipment includes induction generator sets, DC shunt motors, AC synchronous motors, transformers, and various coupled machine assemblies.
Control & Instrumentation Laboratory
- Emphasizes system representation, control system design, and stability analysis.
- Key equipment: AC/DC position control systems, PLC trainers, digital storage oscilloscopes, flow and pressure measurement kits, and optical sensors.
Power Electronics & Drives/Electronics Laboratory
- Dedicated to power electronic devices and drive systems.
- Equipped with IGBT-based PWM inverters, DC chopper kits, cycloconverter kits, and related high-frequency components.
Project Laboratories
- The facilities are fully utilized by students for project work across several academic batches.
- Projects cover a wide range of topics, from fault detection and booster converter design to renewable energy forecasting and digital control systems.
Linear & Digital Integrated Circuits/Electric Circuits Laboratory
- Covers both analog and digital circuit fundamentals.
- Includes digital trainer kits, IC testers, step-down transformers, voltage regulators, and converters.
Power System Simulation Laboratory
- Focuses on modeling and simulation of electrical systems using software tools.
- Utilizes ETAP, MI Power, MATLAB, LabVIEW, and desktop systems for simulation exercises.
Research & Development Laboratory
- Supports advanced research, energy auditing, and power quality assessments.
- Features equipment like power quality and motor analyzers, AC/DC drives training kits, and re-programmable logic devices.
Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory
- Dedicated to renewable energy projects and technologies.
- Equipped with a 250 kW rooftop solar power plant, various environmental sensors, data loggers, and solar PV module kits.
Engineering Practices Laboratory
- Provides practical exposure to basic electrical components and circuit elements.
- Uses single-phase loading components like inductors, rheostats, capacitors, and autotransformers.
This consolidated summary underscores the department’s commitment to providing state-of-the-art facilities that integrate theoretical learning with extensive practical and research opportunities.
Computer Science and Engineering Laboratories
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) laboratories are essential to the educational framework of CSE departments in academic institutions. These labs serve as both practical learning spaces and centers of innovation, where students, researchers, and faculty can develop, test, and refine the concepts and systems they study. Given the rapid evolution of technology, CSE laboratories play a crucial role in preparing the next generation of computer scientists and engineers to tackle complex, real-world problems using modern computing techniques and tools.
Computer science and engineering laboratories at K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering provides information on each lab’s purpose, equipment, capacity, utilization schedule, technical support, and safety measures. Key consolidated points include:
Laboratory Inventory
- Multiple specialized labs are listed (e.g., Computer Practices Labs I & II, Operating Systems Labs I & II, Compiler Labs I & II, Data Structures Labs I & II, Internet, Project, PG, Industry Orientation, and Incubation Centers).
- Each lab is designed for a specific set of courses and supports batch sizes of around 30–32 students per setup.
Equipment and Software
- Labs are equipped with client systems ranging from Intel Dual Core CPUs to Intel Core i5 processors, along with peripherals such as network switches.
- Software platforms include Ubuntu, Windows, Java, Turbo C/C++, Python, and various specialized tools (e.g., network simulators, IDEs, database tools) to support a wide array of experiments.
Utilization and Academic Integration
- Detailed weekly utilization schedules (e.g., specific hours in odd and even semesters) ensure that labs are 100% utilized for curriculum delivery.
- The labs are integral for hands-on learning in subjects like operating systems, compiler design, data structures, networking, and project development.
- Numerous experiments are outlined, from basic programming and network commands to advanced topics like UML modeling, code optimization, and simulation using NS3.
Technical Support and Infrastructure
- Each laboratory is supported by dedicated technical staff (lab demonstrators and technicians) with appropriate qualifications ranging from Diploma to M.Sc./B.Sc.
- The document also provides cost details and physical area measurements for each lab, reflecting significant investment in infrastructure.
Safety and Operational Protocols
- A standardized set of safety measures is detailed across all labs, including general conduct rules, usage restrictions (such as USB drives), maintenance of log registers, and emergency equipment (first aid boxes and fire extinguishers).
This consolidated report demonstrates the institution’s commitment to providing a well-equipped, safe, and practically oriented learning environment that bridges theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience.
Electronics and Communication Engineering laboratory
The document outlines the laboratory facilities in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering. The department is accredited by NBA and NAAC, and all facilities meet ISO 9001:2015 standards. The report provides details on laboratory areas, major equipment, experiments conducted, and the intended utilization for undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG), and other academic and research activities.
Laboratory Categories and Key Features
Core Laboratories for Hands-On Learning
Engineering Practices Laboratory:
- Area: 92.39 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Function Generators, Dual Regulated Power Supply
- Experiments: Component studies, AC signal measurements, logic gate experiments, soldering practice, and ripple factor measurement.
- Utilization: Primarily for first-year ECE students (II sem).
Digital Systems Laboratory
- Area: 92.39 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: Personal Computer (Intel Pentium Dual Core), Digital IC Trainer Kit, HDL simulator, and Digital IC Tester.
- Experiments: Boolean theorem verification, design and implementation of combinational circuits, shift registers, counters, and HDL coding.
- Utilization: Designed for second-year students (III sem).
Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory
- Area: 87.71 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: Dual Oscilloscope, Dual Regulated Power Supply, DDS Function Generator, and Analog System Design Kit.
- Experiments: Amplifier design (inverting, non-inverting, differential), filter design, multivibrator circuits, PLL, SMPS study, and various simulation experiments.
- Utilization: For fourth-semester ECE students.
Specialized Laboratories Focusing on Communication and Signal Processing
Communication Systems Laboratory:
- Area: 87.71 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: Antenna Trainer systems, modulation/demodulation kits, and digital storage oscilloscopes.
- Experiments: Signal sampling, AM/FM modulation, PCM, delta modulation, and simulation of various digital modulation schemes.
- Utilization: For third-year students (V sem).
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory:
- Area: 104.96 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: PC (Intel Pentium Dual Core), DSP Starter Kits, MATLAB, and specialized oscilloscopes.
- Experiments: Convolution, spectrum analysis, FIR/IIR filter design, and implementation of various DSP algorithms.
- Utilization: Primarily for third-year ECE students (V sem).
VLSI Design Laboratory:
- Area: 104.96 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: Spartan and Cyclone trainer kits, CADENCE University Bundle, and FPGA tools.
- Experiments: HDL-based design, synthesis and simulation, hardware testing, PLL invocation, and basic gate implementation using GDI.
- Utilization: For final-year ECE students (VI sem).
Microprocessor, Networking, and Embedded Systems
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory:
- Area: 96.10 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: 8085/8086 Microprocessor Kits, 8051 Microcontroller Kits, interface modules, and peripheral equipment for serial and parallel communication.
- Experiments: Arithmetic and logic operations, interfacing modules (ADC/DAC, traffic light controllers, digital clocks), and beyond-syllabus experiments on stepper motor interfacing.
- Utilization: Catering to both CSE and ECE students across various semesters.
Computer Networks Laboratory
- Area: 97.36 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: Personal Computers, Cisco Packet Tracer, LAN Trainer Kits, network simulators (NS, LSIM), and encryption tools.
- Experiments: Protocol implementations (Stop and Wait, sliding window, HDLC), socket programming, routing algorithms, and wireless networking models.
- Utilization: For third-year students (VI sem).
Embedded Laboratory
- Area: 97.36 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: IAR Embedded Workbench, Zigbee Learning Kit, ARM Cortex–M3 Board, sensor modules, and various interfaces for ADC, DAC, and stepper motors.
- Experiments: ARM evaluation, interfacing of peripherals, real-time clock and serial communication, LED flashing, and advanced experiments using Zigbee.
- Utilization: For final-year ECE students (VIII sem).
Advanced and Research-Oriented Facilities
Optical and Microwave Laboratory:
- Area: 95.12 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: Fiber optic trainer kits, laser communication modules, microwave training kits, and various measurement instruments (VSWR meters, directional couplers).
- Experiments: Optical fiber characteristics, connector loss measurement, eye diagram analysis, and microwave device parameters.
- Utilization: For advanced ECE courses (VII sem).
Circuits and Devices Laboratory & Analog and Digital Circuits Laboratory:
- Area: Approximately 95.12 Sq.m each
- Major Equipment: Oscilloscopes, function generators, regulated power supplies, LCR meters, and digital IC trainers.
- Experiments: Device characteristic measurements (PN junction, Zener, FET, SCR), amplifier design, rectifiers, filters, and simulation-based experiments.
- Utilization: For early to mid-semester courses in ECE.
Research and Development Laboratories I & II:
- Area: 66.36 Sq.m and 93.04 Sq.m respectively
- Major Equipment: PCs with LABVIEW and MATLAB, network analyzers, RF design and simulation tools (ADS, HFSS), microcontrollers, and project-specific kits.
- Utilization: Dedicated to UG and PG projects, workshops, seminars, and value-added courses.
Texas Instruments Innovation Centre:
- Area: 93.88 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: TI development boards, sensor hub booster packs, wireless MCU kits, and associated software tools (Code Composer Studio, Energia IDE).
- Utilization: For project work, industry workshops, and additional training courses.
RF System Design Laboratory:
- Area: 102.92 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: Fiber optic trainers, antenna trainers, CDMA trainers, network analyzers, and simulation software.
- Experiments: S-parameter measurements, design of microstrip transmission lines, filters, and antenna characterization.
- Utilization: For advanced communication systems courses in ME and PG programs.
Integrated, Simulation, and Advanced VLSI Facilities
Circuits and Simulation Integrated Laboratory:
- Area: 97.61 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: Oscilloscopes, function generators, regulated supplies, simulation software, and digital measurement tools.
- Experiments: Frequency response, oscillator designs, multivibrator simulations, and RC circuit analysis.
- Utilization: For advanced lab courses in the second and fourth semesters.
Advanced VLSI Laboratory
- Area: 97.61 Sq.m
- Major Equipment: High-end FPGA boards (Xilinx Zynq, Kintex, and others), personal computers with Vivado software, and development boards.
- Utilization: Focused on project work, specialized workshops, and seminars in FPGA and VLSI design.
Project Laboratory
- Description: A dedicated space for both UG and PG students to undertake mini and major projects.
- Features: Equipped with workbenches, oscilloscopes, signal generators, simulation software, and embedded systems development boards.
- Utilization: Encourages domain-specific projects with faculty support, provides resources for hands-on learning, and fosters innovation through workshops and seminars.
This provides a comprehensive overview of the extensive and diverse laboratory infrastructure in the ECE department. It highlights the state-of-the-art equipment, broad range of experiments, and structured utilization schedules designed to provide both theoretical and practical exposure to students. With specialized labs dedicated to communication systems, signal processing, microcontrollers, RF design, and advanced VLSI, the department is well-equipped to support a wide spectrum of academic, research, and industry-oriented projects.
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science laboratory
The Artificial Intelligence and Data Science laboratory setups at K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering includes following laboratories.
- The Fundamentals of Data Science Laboratory is equipped with HP desktops (i5, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD) and uses software like Anaconda, Python IDLE, RapidMiner, Zoho Analytics, SQL, GitMind, Dreamweaver, and Weka.
- The Data Structure Laboratory has similar hardware and uses NetBeans, Eclipse, and Turbo C.

We have separate hostel for boys and girls. They are also permitted to use their own computers in their rooms. The mess is spacious with a dining hall and kitchen. Separate seating arrangements are made for both boys and girls. All hostels are equipped with solar water heater for hot water supply. The in-campus Axis Bank ATM's available, which renders tremendous help to students in fees payment and money withdrawal.
Boys Hostel
Boys Hostel is situated inside the college campus. The Boys Hostel accommodates about 1250 students. Each room is attached with separate bathroom facility. The rooms are furnished with cots, fans, tables, chairs, and shelves with iron doors. Kitchen with modern cooking facilities and spacious dining hall is provided for inmates.
We are providing Hygienic mineral water for drinking (hot, normal and cool). We are using solar water heater for hot water bathing facility. Hostel warden and Wing in charges are available to take care of the welfare of the students. Similarly, Mess dining hall Supervisors are available to take care of the food requirements of the students.
- 24/7 Internet Access with Wi-Fi Connection
- Students IN and OUT attendance is monitored using Biometric device
- 24/7 CCTV monitoring system is available in corridor area.
- Attached mess with quality and nutritious vegetarian and non-vegetarian food.
- TV facility in dining hall.
- Recreation room with projector and screen for movie times.
- Uninterrupted power supply, separate Generator facility available.
- Indoor and Outdoor Games facility.
- Security services for round the clock.
- Each room has well maintained toilets and bathrooms.
- Transport and medical facility during emergency.
- Washing machine facility.
- Separate night canteen facility.
Apply Leave
- Click here to apply through web portal
- Also Apply through smart hostel android application – Google Play Store
Girls Hostel
Girls Hostel is located within the college campus and is an integral part of the College. Hostel affairs are coordinated under the guidance and supervision of the resident warden. The Girls Hostel accommodates 960 girls. The hostel committee under the chairmanship of the Principal frames the rules and regulations of the hostel and is the final authority in matters concerning the hostel.
Girls’ Hostel aims to provide a convenient and a comfortable stay for the outstation students. Also, it works to minimize the cost in terms of time so that the hostel residents can use the same for other significant purposes. The girls’ hostel also satisfies the vital objective of ensuring safety of girls. We are using solar water heater for hot water bathing facility. Hostel warden and Wing in charges are available to take care of the welfare of the students. Similarly, Mess dining hall Supervisors are available to take care of the food requirements of the students.
Apply Leave
- Click here to apply through web portal
- Also Apply through smart hostel android application – Google Play Store

The college provides exceptional transport facility to the students and staff. Buses are available for all routes in the Trichy city and the suburbs. The buses are equipped with a speed governor and first aid facilities. To prevent accidents and late comers to the college, All services and repairs of the buses are done in the workshop inside the campus, The Buses are well and properly maintained in a good condition and we provide buses to all the nook and corner of the city as well as out of the city.

Mission and Vision
Our Vision is to provide a world-class knowledge resource that not only caters to the curricular requirements but also promotes intellectual inquiry and research. We propose to achieve this through superior quality service consistently. Collections of us is a future-oriented and students driven process, that is constantly updated to meet our users’ requirements, and focus on values like quality, utility, accessibility, and stability.
The Central Library is built in an area of 2412 Sq.m. The uniqueness of our library is in its expansive study space, Centralized AC, blended with state-of-art facilities. The Digital Library service unit provides access to computers with internet facility. A separate dedicated leased line has been installed for high-speed internet connectivity. The Library has a high density of shelving for printed collections. Library has collections of audio-visual material. We have a membership with DELNET and NDL. Our Library has fully RFID Technology facility. Our library has Video Conference facilities. Our library has Video Conference facilities.
Services and Facilities
- Centralized A/C
- Video Conference
- Audio/ Video Section
- Digital Library
- Cubicle Section
- Group Discussion
- Periodical Section
- Reference Section
- Stock Room
- Back Volume Section
- University Question Bank
- IEEE - Aspp (Online Journal)
- Delnet Membership
- National Digital Library
- NPTEL (Video Lecture)
- Reprography
- Technical Section
- Rfid Implementation
- CCTV Surveillance
Book Details
Sl.No | Courses | Titles | Volumes |
1 | BE - Mechanical Engineering | 1884 | 6216 |
2 | ME - Engineering Design | 361 | 845 |
3 | BE - Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 1441 | 4404 |
4 | ME- Power Systems Engineering | 253 | 645 |
5 | BE - Computer Science Engineering | 2116 | 5107 |
6 | ME - Computer Science Engineering | 418 | 764 |
7 | BE - Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2238 | 7105 |
8 | ME - Communication Systems | 460 | 1006 |
9 | B. Tech - Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | 363 | 1519 |
10 | B. Tech -Information Technology | 396 | 1522 |
11 | B.Tech - Computer Science and Business Systems | 373 | 1524 |
12 | B. E- Computer Science and Engineering (AI & ML) | 315 | 1520 |
13 | Science And Humanities | 2253 | 3977 |
14 | MBA | 2348 | 5539 |
Total | 15219 | 41693 |
Periodical Details
Total No Of Journals | 186 |
International Journal | 87 |
National Journal | 99 |
Magazine | 4 |
News Papers (Daily) | 10 |
Sl.No | Resource | View through Links |
1 | Delnet Online | |
2 | IEEE - ASPP | |
3 | National Digital Library | |
4 | Web OPAC | |
5 | NPTEL Disk 1 | |
6 | NPTEL Disk 2 | |
7 | NPTEL Disk 3 | |
Sl.No | Name of the Library Staff | Qualification | Designation |
1 | Mr. P. Krishnamoorthy | M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil., M.Sc., B.Ed | Librarian |
2 | Mr. M. Jegadeesan | M.L.I.Sc., M.B.A | Asst. Librarian |
3 | Mr. P. Neelakandan | M.A., B.Ed | Library Asst |
4 | Mrs. D. Jothimani | D.Ted | Library Asst |
5 | Mr. B. Ararintha Raj | M.A | Library Asst |

We have well equipped power gym and hydraulic gym with latest multiple machines. These gyms could accommodate 50 Students per session. Each session will be engaged by experienced trainers.
The gym schedule is as follows Morning : 5.00 a.m to 7.00 a.m Evening : 4.00 p.m to 7.00 p.m

Department of Physical Education
Sports has become one of the most popular forms of human engagement, whether as professionals or amateurs, regularly or occasionally.
Sport is an activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively. sports commonly refer to activities where the sole physical capabilities of the competitor are the sole or primary determinant of the outcome [ winning or losing ] , but the term is also used to include activities such as mind sports [ a common name for some card games with little to no element of chance ]and motor sports where mental acuity or equipment quality are major factors . sport is commonly defined as an organized, competitive and skillful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play. Sports differing from games based on the fact that there are usually higher levels of organization and profit [ not always monetary ] involved in sports. Accurate records are kept and updated for most sports at the highest levels, while failures and accomplishments are widely announced in sports news.
Objectives of the Department
Our college management has set up the Department of Physical Education and has provided many facilities for students to take up physical education activities. The objectives of the Department are
- To create awareness and importance in students community regarding physical education and health and preventive methods, protect themselves in their future not getting attacked by bodily disorders like Diabetes, obesity etc, which leads to other diseases.
- To create awareness about sports activities and make students outstanding athletes by giving coaching in different sports disciplines
- To prepare students to participate in inter-university level
- To select fresh students (those who have not participated in any sports activity in their school studies) to motivate them and encourage them to take up any one of the game and provide coaching in that particular activity.
- The students are participating in various athletic events and games inside and outside the college and are bringing laurels to our college.
Faculty Details
Sl.No | Name | Designation | Qualification |
1 | Ms. U.Prabhahari | HOD, Physical Directress | M.P.ED., M.PHIL., NIS |
2 | Mr. V.Saranraj | Physical Director | M.Com., M.P.ED., |
3 | S. Bharath | Year Incharge | A/C TECH |
4 | A. Anitha | Year Incharge | B.Com., D.T.Ed |
5 | M. Brain Mac Milan | Year Incharge | M.A., |
6 | M, Sankar | Year Incharge | B.Sc., DCA |
Medical Facilities

K. Ramakrishnan college of Engineering provide medical facilities to ensure students' health and well-being. Thus promoting the health and wellness of the campus community by providing high-quality prevention, education, and treatment services. The medical, counseling, and health promotion services are designed to help you stay healthy or get better so that you can minimize disruptions caused by injury and illness.The medical facilities include:
On-Campus Health Center / First Aid Room
- A dedicated medical room with basic first aid and emergency care
- Availability of essential medicines and medical equipment.
- Basic health check-ups and minor treatments.
Resident Doctor & Medical Staff
- KRCE have a full-time or visiting doctor.
Sl.No | Name of the Staff | Designation | Qualification | Experience |
1 | Dr. P. Harridhasan, | Doctor | MBBS | 5 |
Tie-ups with Nearby Hospitals
- KRCE have Tie-ups with local hospitals for specialized treatments.
- Emergency ambulance services for quick transport in case of serious conditions.
24/7 Ambulance Service
- An emergency ambulance for quick medical assistance.
- Available for accidents, severe illnesses, or any medical emergencies.
Health Camps & Awareness Programs
- Regular health check-ups, blood donation camps, and vaccination drives.
- Mental health awareness sessions and counseling support.
Insurance & Medical Support
- KRCE offer health insurance for staff.
- Coverage for accidents and medical emergencies.

K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering (KRCE) in Tiruchirappalli provides cafeteria facilities to cater to the dietary needs of its students and staff. The campus includes a cafeteria that offers a variety of food options, ensuring that meals are both hygienic and affordable.
The cafeteria is part of the college's infrastructure aimed at enhancing the campus experience for students. Amenities such as sports facilities and a gymnasium are also available, contributing to a well-rounded campus life.
Food Variety & Menu
- Serves vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals.
- Includes snacks, beverages, and full-course meals (South Indian, North Indian, Continental, etc.).
- Some have healthy food options like salads and juices.
Hygiene & Cleanliness
- Regular cleaning and proper waste disposal.
- Food is prepared under hygienic conditions.
Seating & Ambience
- Spacious seating arrangements with proper ventilation.
- KRCE cafeterias offer indoor and outdoor seating options.
Affordable Prices
- Meals and snacks are budget-friendly for students and staff
- Digital payment options like UPI, cards, or meal coupons.
Timings & Availability
- Open during college hours and sometimes beyond.
- Operate till late evening for hostel students.
Overall, the cafeteria at KRCE is designed to provide a comfortable dining environment, supporting the nutritional and social needs of the college community.