About Department
The Department of Mechanical Engineering was started in the year 2008. At present, the department offers UG programme B.E. Mechanical Engineering and postgraduate programme M.E. Engineering Design.
- Accredited by NBA
- Anna University Recognized Research Centre
- Advanced Materials Testing Laboratory Facility
- Anna University Recognized Supervisors for FT/PT Ph.D
- Average Experience of the Faculty members – 8.9 Years
- State-of-the-art laboratories
- Turnitin Plagiarism Software
- Autonomous Status from 2020-2021onwards
- NAAC Accreditation - A grade
- 2F & 12B Status from UGC
- ISO 9001:2015 Certification
- ISO 14000 Certification
- SAE Club – Participation in Mahindra Baja, Auto Sports Mega ATV, QBDC, SUVC, E-CART, Go- CART & EFFI CYCLE
To provide eminent Mechanical Engineers to the society and industries through quality technical education and research.
- To impart quality professional education through state-of-the-art-infrastructure and resources.
- To motivate students and faculty to undertake research and development activities in the thrust areas of mechanical engineering.
- To carryout collaborative projects with industries and academics with fullest potential.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- PEO1: Have a successful career in industry or opt for higher studies/research.
- PEO2: Analyze, synthesize and design mechanical & allied products addressing societal issues.
- PEO3: Exhibit technical expertise, communication skills and teamwork with professionalism and ethical values.
Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs)
Statement |
PSO1 |
Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems in three core streams of Mechanical Engineering, i.e., Design, Thermal and Manufacturing Engineering |
PSO2 |
Design, develop, test and implement energy efficient systems for required Engineering applications. |
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO |
Statement |
PO1 |
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics & science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. |
PO2 |
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. |
PO3 |
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. |
PO4 |
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. |
PO5 |
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. |
PO6 |
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. |
PO7 |
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. |
PO8 |
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. |
PO9 |
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. |
PO10 |
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. |
PO11 |
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. |
PO12 |
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. |
Faculty Details
S.No |
Name of the Faculty |
Designation |
Qualification |
Teaching Experience (in Years) |
Domain Email id |
Area of Specialization |
Photos |
1 |
Dr.K.Lenin |
Professor |
B.E., M.E., Ph.D |
20.6 |
lenink.mech@krce.ac.in |
Welding |
2 |
Dr.M. Ravichandran |
Professor |
B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D |
17 |
ravichandran@krce.ac.in |
Manufacturing Engineering |
3 |
Dr. D. Jafrey Daniel James |
Associate Professor |
B.E., M.E., Ph.D |
8.5 |
jafrey.daniel@krce.ac.in |
Polymer Composites |
4 |
Dr. H. Ramakrishnan |
HoD & Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., Ph.D. |
14.5 |
ramakrishnanhmech@krce.ac.in |
Manufacturing Engineering |
5 |
Dr.R.Naveenkumar |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., Ph.D |
11.6 |
naveenkumarr@krce.ac.in |
Thermal Engineering |
6 |
Mr. K. Chellamuthu |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
13.6 |
chellamuthukmech@krce.ac.in |
7 |
Mr. N. Karthikeyan |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.Tech, |
14 |
karthikeyannmech@krce.ac.in |
Industrial Engineering |
8 |
Mr. B. Prakash |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.Tech, |
14.6 |
prakashmech@krce.ac.in |
Nano Technology |
9 |
Mr. S. Nandhagopan |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
12 |
ngopans@krce.ac.in |
Industrial Engineering |
10 |
Mr. A. Mohana Krishnan |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
15.5 |
amk3745@krce.ac.in |
Engineering Design |
11 |
Mr. B. Veluchamy |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
10.6 |
velu.mech@krce.ac.in |
Engineering Design |
12 |
Mr. M. Manimaran |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
9.6 |
manimaran@krce.ac.in |
IC Engineering |
13 |
Mr. S. Raghuvaran |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
9.3 |
raghuvaransiva@krce.ac.in |
Thermal Engineering |
14 |
Mr. S. Rajaram |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
9.6 |
ram69@krce.ac.in |
Manufacturing Engineering |
15 |
Mr. P.C.Santhosh Kumar |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
8.6 |
santhoshpc@krce.ac.in |
Engineering Design |
16 |
Mr. S. Sivananthan |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
12.5 |
sivananthansmech@krce.ac.in |
17 |
Mr.S.Balamurugan |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
3.5 |
this2bala@gmail.com |
Manufacturing Engineering |
18 |
Mr. M. Infant Sebastin Prabu |
Assitant Professor |
B.E., M.E., |
2.5 |
infantprabu96@gmail.com |
Engineering Design |
Department Highlights
Students Achievements (2024-2025)
- Karpaga Harish.S, Karthi.J, Ajay.S & Venkat Raman.R.K had published patent in the title of "Device for Controlling Water Flow in Agriculture Land"
- Ithe.Thamizhan, R.Sayi Prasath & M.Vishnu had published patent in the title of "Fan Dusting Cleaning Kit"
- Amarnath had published patent in the title of "Automated Hanging Cable Rescue With Real-Time GPS Monitoring and Alerts for Landslide Areas"
- Jerom Sebhastin P, V.S.Jaya Suriya Prakaash, Bhishma R, J.Balakarthikeyan had published patent in the title of "A Protective Welding Shield".
- The Team “TN45 Motorsports” had participated and secured overall 5th position in the event of Indian Karting Race 2024 at Galgotias University, Greater Noida, from 5th to 11th October 2024.
- Sivaprasanna (IV year) had got internship of Rs. 2.76 lakhs in Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
- Sivaprasanna (IV year) had got placed in Zoho Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Salary packages of Rs. 7.20 lakhs.
- 16 students were cleared NPTEL Online Certification in the Academic year of 2024-2025.
Events organized(2024-2025)
- Mecktrons Association conducted Inauguration and Technical seminar on Career opportunities in HVAC & It's Importance and the Chief Guest was Dr.A.FernobSusai, Founder and Managing Director, Air Design Engineered solutions pvt ltd, Former President ISHRAE on 07/08/2024 Co-ordinated by Mr. S. Sivananthan AP/MECH.
- Organized Five Days Value Added Course & Hands on Training on “Electric Vehicles & It’s Components” for III year students from 10.08.2024 to 16.08.2024 and the Chief Guest was Mr. K. C. Tamilventhen Director, LIFT INDIA Trichy, Co-ordinated by Mr. M.Manimaran AP/MECH.
- Conducted a Hands on Training for Virtual Reality Module - I Chief Guest by S.Sivananthan AP/Mech on 15/11/2024 Co-ordinated by Mr. B.Prakash AP/MECH.
- Conducted a Hands on Training for Virtual Reality Module - II Chief Guest by S.Sivananthan AP/Mech on 18/11/2024 Co-ordinated by Mr. B.Prakash AP/MECH.
- Conducted an online Seminar on Full Stack Roadmap Bridging skills for Industry success and the Expert Speaker was Mr. Gyan Dev Mishra, senior Software Engineer at eCosmos on 18.01.2025.
- Organized a Seminar on Aluminium Pressure Die Casting & It’s Applications Coordinator by Chief Guest Mr. S. Nargunam Founder & Managing Director Excel Die Casting, Chennai on 07/02/2025 Co-ordinated by Mr. A. Mohanakrishnan AP/MECH.
- Organized a Mentoring Event on “Poster Presentation of Business Plans” on 14.08.2024. It was coordinated by Dr. R.Naveen Kumar, Assistant professor/Mechanical.
Faculty Achievements
News letter(2024-2025)